
Shipping Equine Semen

All fees including the stallion fee and shipping charges must be prepaid prior to any semen shipment. We must also have a signed contract and a copy of your mare's registration papers on file. There will be no exceptions. For EACH semen shipment originating from Delta Equine Center there will be a charge of $275.00 for shipping overnight via UPS or $450.00 via airline for same day service.
Please do not order semen from Delta Equine Center by leaving a message on the answering machine, by email, or by fax. Make every effort to order semen the day BEFORE you want it shipped. Shipped semen is available on a first-come, first-served basis, with mares on the farm taking first priority. Orders made later than 9:30 A.M. on collection day are at a higher risk of refusal. Additionally, because of the cost and demand for containers during breeding season, ALL containers must be returned. If the container is not returned and/or has not arrived at Delta Stallion Station on the 5th day post-shipment from Delta Equine Center, then a late fee of $100.00 will be placed on your credit card.
Delta Equine Center has developed these guidelines for ordering and shipping cooled semen. In addition to the regular breeding fee, those requesting fresh cooled semen will incur the charges listed below. Please review these items and if you have additional questions, please feel free to contact us.
Also, please remember:
ALL requests for semen must be made by 9:30 a.m. Central Time.
A contract for cooled semen does not guarantee that semen will be available on the day you submit your request.
Semen may only be requested on regularly scheduled Delta Equine Center breeding days. Click the Icon to view the collection schedule. Stallions will not be collected on a non-breeding day. No exceptions will be made.
Cooled semen bookings will be, by necessity, of limited availability on those stallions whose book fills with mares to be bred on the premises of Delta Equine Center.
Good communication between all parties is vital to successful cooled semen shipment and insemination.